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Map De fogger

CJ Kucera edited this page Jan 26, 2023 · 8 revisions

Map De-fogger

Author: Novenic

Last Updated: July 29, 2021

Most Recent Version: 1.0

In Categories: General QoL, UI QoL Changes

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

View Mod Folder


Map De-fogger
OHL or B3HM (local file): Right click and "Save Link As"
OHL (web loading): Create a shortcut by dragging into a folder
B3HM (web loading): Right click and "Copy Link"
Download from Nexus


Makes it so maps are completely revelaed when visiting a loacation for the first time. No more walking around just to get rid of every bit of fog!

Note: This mod does not reveal crew challenges, fast travel stations, or map transition points. To have all crew challenges revealed, use Apocalyptech's Always Visible Challenge Icons

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

	Makes your discovery radius very large, so the entire map is uncovered upon visiting a location




v1.0 - May 12, 2021

  • Initial release
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