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Purple Tree Fl4k Overhaul

CJ Kucera edited this page Jan 26, 2023 · 9 revisions

Purple Tree Fl4k Overhaul

Author: CZ47

Contact: =]#7647

Last Updated: October 09, 2021

Most Recent Version: 1.0.2

In Categories: Bugfixes, Beastmaster Changes, Full Character Overhauls, Skill System Changes

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Purple Tree Fl4k Overhaul
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Description (from inside mod)

Fixed the Loaders' bonuses not scaling with Barbaric Yawp investment.
Fixed the ION Loader's bonus granting Fl4k Damage Reduction instead of increased Damage Intake.
BUL Loader now grants Fl4k bonus Shield Damage instead of bonus Shield Capacity.
Better Toys now grants Fl4k increased Slam Damage & Radius instead of Shield Recharge Rate & Delay. Additionally these values have been buffed.
Wooly Armor is now known as Overcharged. When Fl4k's shield is full, Fl4k regenerates ammo and grenades at a rate of 5%/s  and 25%/s respectively.
Monkey Do now amps all pellets properly and no longer converts the gun's element into kinetic damage.
Capacitance now grants FL4K 100% reflect chance, 25% firerate and movespeed. Reflected projectiles deal double damage.speed
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