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File metadata and controls

1504 lines (1192 loc) · 101 KB



  • Transparent Proxy Egress
    • Add support for Destinations on the Service Defaults CRD. [GH-1352]
  • [Experimental] Cluster Peering:
    • Add support for ACLs and TLS. [GH-1343] [GH-1366]
    • Add support for Load Balancers or external addresses in front of Consul servers for peering stream.
      • Support new expose-servers Kubernetes Service deployed by Helm chart to expose the Consul servers, and using the service address in the peering token. [GH-1378]
      • Support non-default partitions by using externalServers.hosts as the server addresses in the peering token. [GH-1384]
      • Support arbitrary addresses as the server addresses in the peering token via global.peering.tokenGeneration.source="static" and global.peering.tokenGeneration.static=["sample-server-address:8502"]. [GH-1392]


  • Helm
    • Bump default Envoy version to 1.23.0. [GH-1377]
    • Added support for Consul API Gateway to read ReferenceGrant custom resources. This will require either installing Consul API Gateway CRDs from the upcoming v0.4.0 release with kubectl apply --kustomize "" or manually installing the ReferenceGrant CRD from the Gateway API v0.5 Experimental Channel when setting apiGateway.enabled=true [GH-1299]

0.46.1 (July 26, 2022)


  • Control Plane
    • Update alpine to 3.16 in the Docker image. [GH-1372]

0.46.0 (July 20, 2022)


  • Control Plane
    • Update minimum go version for project to 1.18 [GH-1292]
  • CLI
    • Update minimum go version for project to 1.18 [GH-1292]


  • [Experimental] Cluster Peering:
    • Add support for secret watchers on the Peering Acceptor and Peering Dialer controllers. [GH-1284]
    • Add support for version annotation on the Peering Acceptor and Peering Dialer controllers. [GH-1302]
    • Add validation webhooks for the Peering Acceptor and Peering Dialer CRDs. [GH-1310]
    • Add Conditions to the status of the Peering Acceptor and Peering Dialer CRDs. [GH-1335]


  • Control Plane
    • Added annotations,,, and for configuring TLS scraping on Prometheus metrics endpoints for Envoy sidecars. To enable, set the cert and key file annotations along with one of the ca file/path annotations. [GH-1303]
    • Added annotations and for attaching Volumes and VolumeMounts to the Envoy sidecar. Both should be JSON objects. [GH-1315]
  • Helm
    • Added connectInject.annotations and syncCatalog.annotations values for setting annotations on connect inject and sync catalog deployments. [GH-775]
    • Added PodDisruptionBudget to the connect injector deployment which can be configured using the connectInject.disruptionBudget stanza. [GH-1316]


  • Helm
    • When using Openshift do not set securityContext in gossip-encryption-autogenerate job. [GH-1308]
  • Control Plane
    • Fix missing RBAC permissions for the peering controllers to be able to update secrets. [GH-1359]
    • Fix a bug in the peering controller where we tried to read the secret from the cache right after creating it. [GH-1359]

0.45.0 (June 17, 2022)


  • [Experimental] Cluster Peering: Support Consul cluster peering, which allows service connectivity between two independent clusters. [GH-1273]

    Enabling peering will deploy the peering controllers and PeeringAcceptor and PeeringDialer CRDs. The new CRDs are used to establish a peering connection between two clusters.

    See the Cluster Peering on Kubernetes for full instructions.


    • Consul 1.13+
    • global.peering.enabled=true and connectInject.enabled=true must be set to enable peering.
    • Mesh gateways are required for service to service communication across peers, i.e meshGateway.enabled=true.


  • Helm
    • Enable the configuring of snapshot intervals in the client snapshot agent via client.snapshotAgent.interval. [GH-1235]
    • Enable configuring the pod topologySpreadConstraints for mesh, terminating, and ingress gateways. [GH-1257]
    • Present Consul server CA chain when using Vault secrets backend. [GH-1251]
    • API Gateway: Enable configuring of the new High Availability feature (requires Consul API Gateway v0.3.0+). [GH-1261]
    • Enable the configuration of Envoy proxy concurrency via connectInject.sidecarProxy.concurrency which can be overridden at the pod level via the annotation This PR also sets the default concurrency for envoy proxies to 2. [GH-1277]
    • Update Mesh CRD with Mesh HTTP Config. [GH-1282]
  • Control Plane
    • Bump Dockerfile base image for RedHat UBI consul-k8s-control-plane image to ubi-minimal:8.6. [GH-1244]
    • Add additional metadata to service instances registered via catalog sync. [GH-447]
    • Enable configuring Connect Injector and Controller Webhooks' certificates to be managed by Vault. [GH-1191]


  • Helm
    • Update client-snapshot-agent so that setting client.snapshotAgent.caCert no longer requires root access to modify the trust store. [GH-1190]
    • Add missing vault agent annotations to the api-gateway-controller-deployment. [GH-1247]
    • Bump default Envoy version to 1.22.2. [GH-1276]

0.44.0 (May 17, 2022)


  • Helm
    • Using the Vault integration requires Consul 1.12.0+. [GH-1213], [GH-1218]
    • The default Envoy proxy image is now envoyproxy/envoy:v1.22.0 which is no longer alpine based. The default trust store location is no longer /etc/ssl/cert.pem, please use /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt when configuring Terminating Gateway configuration entries for non-alpine based Envoy images. See [docs].


  • Helm
    • Enable the ability to configure global.consulAPITimeout to configure how long requests to the Consul API will wait to resolve before canceling. The default value is 5 seconds. [GH-1178]


  • Security
    • Bump and dependencies to address CVE-2022-27291 and CVE-2021-38561 respectively on both CLI and Control Plane. There's no known exposure within Consul on Kubernetes as the dependencies are not invoked. [GH-1189]
  • Control Plane
    • Endpoints Controller queuing up service registrations/deregistrations when request to agent on a terminated pod does not time out. This could result in pods not being registered and service instances not being deregistered. [GH-1178]
  • Helm
    • Update client-daemonset to include ca-cert volumeMount only when tls is enabled. [GH-1194]
    • Update create-federation-secret-job to look up the automatically generated gossip encryption key by the right name when is unset or set to something other than consul. [GH-1196]
    • Add Admin Partitions support to Sync Catalog (Consul Enterprise only). [GH-1180]
    • Correct webhook-cert-manager-clusterrole to utilize the web-cert-manager podsecuritypolicy rather than connect-injectors when global.enablePodSecurityPolicies is true. [GH-1202]
    • Enable Consul auto-reload-config only when Vault is enabled. [GH-1213]
    • Revert TLS config to be compatible with Consul 1.11. [GH-1218]

0.43.0 (April 21, 2022)


  • Helm
    • Requires Consul 1.12.0+ as the Server statefulsets are now provisioned with Consul -auto-reload-config flag which monitors changes to specific Consul configuration properties and reloads itself when changes are detected. [GH-1135]
    • API Gateway: Re-use connectInject.consulNamespaces instead of requiring that apiGateway.consulNamespaces have the same value when ACLs are enabled. [GH-1169]


  • Control Plane
    • Add a "" annotation for pods to specify which Kubernetes service they want to use for registration when multiple services target the same pod. [GH-1150]


  • CLI
    • Fix issue where clusters not in the same namespace as their deployment name could not be upgraded. [GH-1115]
    • Fix issue where the CLI was looking for secrets in namespaces other than the namespace targeted by the release. [GH-1156]
    • Fix issue where the federation secret was not being found in certain configurations. [GH-1154]
  • Control Plane
    • Fix issue where upgrading a deployment from non-service mesh to service mesh would cause Pods to hang in init. [GH-1136]
  • Helm
    • Respect client nodeSelector, tolerations, and priorityClass when scheduling create-federation-secret Job. [GH-1108]


  • Control Plane
    • Support new annotation for mounting connect-inject volume to other containers. [GH-1111]
  • Helm
    • API Gateway: Allow controller to read ReferencePolicy in order to determine if route is allowed for backend in different namespace. [GH-1148]
    • Allow consul to be a destination namespace. [GH-1163]
    • CRDs: Update Mesh and Ingress Gateway CRDs to support TLS config. [GH-1168]

0.42.0 (April 04, 2022)


  • Helm
    • Minimum Kubernetes version supported is 1.19 and now matches what is stated in the file. [GH-1049]
  • ACLs
    • Support Terminating Gateway obtaining an ACL token using a k8s auth method. [GH-1102]
      • Note: If you have updated a token with a new policy for a terminating gateway, this will not apply any more as ACL tokens will be ephemeral and are issued to the terminating gateways when the pod is created and destroyed when the pod is stopped. To achieve the same ACL permissions, you will need to assign the policy to the role for the terminating gateway, rather than the token.
    • Support Mesh Gateway obtaining an ACL token using a k8s auth method. [GH-1102]
      • Note: This is a breaking change if you are using a mesh gateway with mesh federation. To properly configure mesh federation with mesh gateways, you will need to configure the global.federation.k8sAuthMethodHost in secondary datacenters to point to the address of the Kubernetes API server of the secondary datacenter. This address must be reachable from the Consul servers in the primary datacenter.
    • General Note on old ACL Tokens: As of this release, ACL tokens no longer need to be stored as Kubernetes secrets. They will transparently be provisioned by the Kubernetes Auth Method when client and component pods are provisioned and will also be destroyed when client and component pods are destroyed. Old ACL tokens, however, will still exist as Kubernetes secrets and in Consul and will need to be identified and manually deleted.


  • ACLs: Enable issuing ACL tokens via Consul login with a Kubernetes Auth Method and replace the need for storing ACL tokens as Kubernetes secrets.
    • Support CRD controller obtaining an ACL token via using a k8s auth method. [GH-995]
    • Support Connect Inject obtaining an ACL token via using a k8s auth method. [GH-1076]
    • Support Sync Catalog obtaining an ACL token via using a k8s auth method. [GH-1081], [GHT-1077]
    • Support API Gateway controller obtaining an ACL token via using a k8s auth method. [GH-1083]
    • Support Snapshot Agent obtaining an ACL token via using a k8s auth method. [GH-1084]
    • Support Mesh Gateway obtaining an ACL token via using a k8s auth method. [GH-1085]
    • Support Ingress Gateway obtaining an ACL token via using a k8s auth method. [GH-1118]
    • Support Terminating Gateway obtaining an ACL token via using a k8s auth method. [GH-1102]
    • Support Consul Client obtaining an ACL token via using a k8s auth method. [GH-1093]
    • Support issuing global ACL tokens via k8s auth method. [GH-1075]


  • Control Plane
    • Upgrade Docker image Alpine version from 3.14 to 3.15. [GH-1058
  • Helm
    • API Gateway: Allow controller to read Kubernetes namespaces in order to determine if route is allowed for gateway. [GH-1092]
    • Support a pre-configured bootstrap ACL token. [GH-1125]
  • Vault
    • Enable snapshot agent configuration to be retrieved from vault. [GH-1113]
  • CLI
    • Enable users to set up secondary clusters with existing federation secrets. [GH-1126]


  • Helm
    • Don't set TTL for server certificates when using Vault as the secrets backend. [GH-1104]
    • Fix PodSecurityPolicies for clients/mesh gateways when hostNetwork is used. [GH-1090]
  • CLI
    • Fix install and upgrade commands for Windows. [GH-1139]

0.41.1 (February 24, 2022)


  • Helm

0.41.0 (February 23, 2022)


  • Support WAN federation via Mesh Gateways with Vault as the secrets backend. [GH-1016,GH-1025,GH-1029,GH-1038]
    • Note: To use WAN federation with ACLs and Vault, you will need to create a KV secret in Vault that will serve as the replication token with a random UUID: vault kv put secret/consul/replication key="$(uuidgen)".
    • You will need to then provide this secret to both the primary and the secondary datacenters with global.acls.replicationToken values and allow the global.secretsBackend.vault.manageSystemACLsRole Vault role to read it. In the primary datacenter, the Helm chart will create the replication token in Consul using the UUID as the secret ID of the token.
  • Connect: Support workaround for pods with multiple ports, by registering a Consul service and injecting an Envoy sidecar and init container per port. [GH-1012]
    • Transparent proxying, metrics, and metrics merging are not supported for multi-port pods.
    • Multi-port pods should specify annotations in the format, such that the service names and port names correspond with each other in the specified order, i.e. web service is listening on 8080, web-admin service is listening on 9090.
      •': 'web,web-admin
      •': '8080,9090


  • Helm
    • Vault: Allow passing arbitrary annotations to the vault agent. [GH-1015]
    • Vault: Add support for customized IP and DNS SANs for server cert in Vault. [GH-1020]
    • Vault: Add support for Enterprise License to be configured in Vault. [GH-1032]
    • API Gateway: Allow Kubernetes namespace to Consul enterprise namespace mapping for deployed gateways and mesh services. [GH-1024]


  • API Gateway
    • Fix issue where if the API gateway controller pods restarted, gateway pods would become disconnected from the secret discovery service. [GH-1007]
    • Fix issue where the API gateway controller could not update existing Deployments or Services. [GH-1014]
    • Fix issue where the API gateway controller lacked sufficient permissions to bind routes when ACLs were enabled. [GH-1018]


  • Helm
    • Rename fields of IngressGateway CRD to fix incorrect names (gatewayTLSConfig => tls, gatewayServiceTLSConfig => tls, gatewayTLSSDSConfig => sds). [GH-1017]

0.40.0 (January 27, 2022)


  • Helm
    • Some Consul components from the Helm chart have been renamed to ensure consistency in naming across the components. This will not be a breaking change if Consul components are not referred to by name externally. Check the PR for the list of renamed components. [GH-993][GH-1000]


  • Helm
    • Support Envoy 1.20.1. [GH-958]
    • Support Consul 1.11.2. [GH-976]
    • Support Consul API Gateway Controller deployment through the Helm chart and provision an ACL token to for API Gateway via server-acl-init [GH-925]


  • Helm
    • Allow customization of terminationGracePeriodSeconds on the ingress gateways. [GH-947]
    • Support ui.dashboardURLTemplates.service value for setting dashboard URL templates. [GH-937]
    • Allow using dash-separated names for config entries when using kubectl. [GH-965]
    • Support Pod Security Policies with Vault integration. [GH-985]
    • Rename Consul resources to remove resource kind suffixes from the resource names to standardize resource names across the Helm chart. [GH-993]
    • Append -client to the Consul Daemonset name to standardize resource names across the Helm chart. [GH-1000]
  • CLI
    • Show a diff when upgrading a Consul installation on Kubernetes [GH-934]
  • Control Plane
    • Support the value $POD_NAME for the annotation* that will now be interpolated and set to the pod's name in the service's metadata. [GH-982]
    • Allow managing Consul sidecar resources via annotations. [GH-956]
    • Support using a backslash to escape commas in annotation. [GH-983]
    • Avoid making unnecessary calls to Consul in the endpoints controller to improve application startup time when Consul is down. [GH-779]


  • Helm
    • Add PodDisruptionBudget Kind when checking for existing versions so that helm template can generate the right version. [GH-923]
  • Control Plane
    • Admin Partitions (Consul Enterprise only): Attach anonymous-policy to the anonymous token from non-default partitions to support DNS queries when the default partition is on a VM. [GH-966]

0.39.0 (December 15, 2021)


  • Helm
    • Support Consul 1.11.1. [GH-935]
    • Support Envoy 1.20.0. [GH-935]
    • Minimum Kubernetes versions supported is 1.18+. [GH-935]
  • CLI
    • BETA Add upgrade command to modify Consul installation on Kubernetes. [GH-898]


  • Control Plane
    • Bump consul-k8s-control-plane UBI images for OpenShift to use base image ubi-minimal:8.5. [GH-922]
    • Support the value $POD_NAME for the annotation that will now be interpolated and set to the pod name. [GH-931]

0.38.0 (December 08, 2021)


  • Control Plane
    • Update minimum go version for project to 1.17 [GH-878]
    • Add boolean metric to merged metrics response consul_merged_service_metrics_success to indicate if service metrics were scraped successfully. [GH-551]


  • Vault as a Secrets Backend: Add support for Vault as a secrets backend for Gossip Encryption, Server TLS certs and Service Mesh TLS certificates, removing the existing usage of Kubernetes Secrets for the respective secrets. [GH-904]

    See the Consul Kubernetes and Vault documentation for full install instructions.


    • Consul 1.11+
    • Vault 1.9+ and Vault-K8s 0.14+ must be installed with the Vault Agent Injector enabled (injector.enabled=true) into the Kubernetes cluster that Consul is installed into.
    • global.tls.enableAutoEncryption=true is required for TLS support.
    • If TLS is enabled in Vault, must be provided and should reference a Kube secret which holds a copy of the Vault CA cert.
    • Add boolean metric to merged metrics response consul_merged_service_metrics_success to indicate if service metrics were scraped successfully. [GH-551]
  • Helm

    • Rename PartitionExports CRD to ExportedServices. [GH-902]


  • CLI
    • Pre-check in the install command to verify the correct license secret exists when using an enterprise Consul image. [GH-875]
  • Control Plane
    • Add a label "managed-by" to every secret the control-plane creates. Only delete said secrets on an uninstall. [GH-835]
    • Add support for labeling a Kubernetes service with to prevent services from being registered in Consul. [GH-858]
  • Helm Chart
    • Fail an installation/upgrade if WAN federation and Admin Partitions are both enabled. [GH-892]
    • Add support for setting ingressClassName for UI. [GH-909]
    • Add partition support to Service Resolver, Service Router and Service Splitter CRDs. [GH-908]


  • Control Plane:
    • Add a workaround to check that the ACL token is replicated to other Consul servers. [GH-862]
    • Return 500 on prometheus response if unable to get metrics from Envoy. [GH-551]
    • Don't include body of failed service metrics calls in merged metrics response. [GH-551]
  • Helm Chart
    • Admin Partitions (Consul Enterprise only): Do not mount Consul CA certs to partition-init job if externalServers.useSystemRoots is true. [GH-885]

0.37.0 (November 18, 2021)


  • Previously UI metrics would be enabled when global.metrics=false and ui.metrics.enabled=-. If you are no longer seeing UI metrics, set global.metrics=true or ui.metrics.enabled=true. [GH-841]

  • The enterpriseLicense section of the values file has been migrated from being under the server stanza to being under the global stanza. Migrating the contents of server.enterpriseLicense to global.enterpriseLicense will ensure the license job works. [GH-856]

  • Consul streaming is re-enabled by default. Streaming is broken when using multi-DC federation and Consul versions 1.10.0, 1.10.1, 1.10.2. If you are using those versions and multi-DC federation, you must upgrade to Consul >= 1.10.3 or set:

      extraConfig: |
        {"use_streaming_backend": false}



  • Helm Chart
    • Add support for Consul services to utilize Consul DNS for service discovery. Set dns.enableRedirection to allow services to use Consul DNS via the Consul DNS Service. [GH-833]
  • Control Plane
    • Connect: Allow services using Connect to utilize Consul DNS to perform service discovery. [GH-833]


  • Control Plane
    • TLS: Support PKCS1 and PKCS8 private keys for Consul certificate authority. [GH-843]
    • Connect: Log a warning when ACLs are enabled and the default service account is used. [GH-842]
    • Update Service Router, Service Splitter and Ingress Gateway CRD with support for RequestHeaders and ResponseHeaders. [GH-863]
    • Update Ingress Gateway CRD with partition support for the IngressService and TLS Config. [GH-863]
  • CLI
    • Delete jobs, cluster roles, and cluster role bindings on uninstall. [GH-820]
  • Helm Chart
    • Add component labels to all resources. [GH-840]
    • Update Consul version to 1.10.4. [GH-861]
    • Update Service Router, Service Splitter and Ingress Gateway CRD with support for RequestHeaders and ResponseHeaders. [GH-863]
    • Update Ingress Gateway CRD with partition support for the IngressService and TLS Config. [GH-863]
    • Re-enable streaming for Consul clients. [GH-851]


  • Control Plane
    • ACLs: Fix issue where if one or more servers fail to have their ACL tokens set on the initial run of server-acl-init then on subsequent re-runs of server-acl-init the tokens are never set. [GH-825]
    • ACLs: Fix issue where if the number of Consul servers is increased, the new servers are never provisioned an ACL token. [GH-677]
    • Fix issue where after a helm upgrade, users would see x509: certificate signed by unknown authority. errors when modifying config entry resources. [GH-837]
  • Helm Chart
    • (Consul Enterprise only) Error on Helm install if a reserved name is used for the admin partition name or a Consul destination namespace for connect or catalog sync. [GH-846]
    • Truncate Persistent Volume Claim names when namespace names are too long. [GH-799]
    • Fix issue where UI metrics would be enabled when global.metrics=false and ui.metrics.enabled=-. [GH-841]
    • Populate the federation secret with the generated Gossip key when global.gossipEncryption.autoGenerate is set to true. [GH-854]

0.36.0 (November 02, 2021)


  • Helm Chart
    • The kube-system and local-path-storage namespaces are now excluded from connect injection by default on Kubernetes versions >= 1.21. If you wish to enable injection on those namespaces, set connectInject.namespaceSelector to null. [GH-726]


  • Helm Chart
    • Automatic retry for gossip-encryption-autogenerate-job on failure [GH-789]
    • kube-system and local-path-storage namespaces are now excluded from connect injection by default on Kubernetes versions >= 1.21. This prevents deadlock issues when kube-system components go down and allows Kind to work without changing the failure policy of the mutating webhook. [GH-726]
    • Add support for services across Admin Partitions to communicate using mesh gateways. [GH-807]
      • Documentation for the installation can be found here.
    • Add support for PartitionExports CRD to enable cross-partition networking. [GH-802]
  • CLI
    • Add status command. [GH-768]
    • Add -verbose, -v flag to the consul-k8s install command, which outputs all logs emitted from the installation. By default, verbose is set to false to hide logs that show resources are not ready. [GH-810]
    • Set prometheus.enabled to true and enable all metrics for Consul K8s when installing via the demo preset. [GH-809]
    • Set controller.enabled to true when installing via the demo preset. [GH818]
    • Set global.gossipEncryption.autoGenerate to true and global.tls.enableAutoEncrypt to true when installing via the secure preset. [GH818]
  • Control Plane
    • Add support for partition-exports config entry as a Custom Resource Definition to help manage cross-partition networking. [GH-802]

0.35.0 (October 19, 2021)


  • Control Plane
    • Add gossip-encryption-autogenerate subcommand to generate a random 32 byte Kubernetes secret to be used as a gossip encryption key. [GH-772]
    • Add support for partition-exports config entry. [GH-802], [GH-803]
  • Helm Chart
    • Add automatic generation of gossip encryption with global.gossipEncryption.autoGenerate=true. [GH-738]
    • Add support for configuring resources for mesh gateway service-init container. [GH-758]
    • Add support for PartitionExports CRD. [GH-802], [GH-803]


  • Control Plane
    • Upgrade Docker image Alpine version from 3.13 to 3.14. [GH-737]
    • CRDs: tune failure backoff so invalid config entries are re-synced more quickly. [GH-788]
  • Helm Chart
    • Enable adding extra containers to server and client Pods. [GH-749]
    • ACL support for Admin Partitions. (Consul Enterprise only) BETA [GH-766]
      • This feature now enabled ACL support for Admin Partitions. The server-acl-init job now creates a Partition token. This token can be used to bootstrap new partitions as well as manage ACLs in the non-default partitions.
      • Partition to partition networking is disabled if ACLs are enabled.
      • Documentation for the installation can be found here.
  • CLI
    • Add version command. [GH-741]
    • Add uninstall command. [GH-725]

0.34.1 (September 17, 2021)


  • Helm
    • Fix consul-k8s image version in values file. [GH-732]

0.34.0 (September 17, 2021)


  • CLI
    • The consul-k8s CLI enables users to deploy and operate Consul on Kubernetes.
      • Support consul-k8s install command. [GH-713]
  • Helm Chart
    • Add support for Admin Partitions. (Consul Enterprise only) ALPHA [GH-729]
      • This feature allows Consul to be deployed across multiple Kubernetes clusters while sharing a single set of Consul servers. The services on each cluster can be independently managed. This feature is an alpha feature. It requires:

        • a flat pod and node network in order for inter-partition networking to work.
        • TLS to be enabled.
        • Consul Namespaces enabled.

        Transparent Proxy is unsupported for cross partition communication.

To enable Admin Partitions on the server cluster use the following config.

  enableConsulNamespaces: true
    enabled: true
  image: hashicorp/consul-enterprise:1.11.0-ent-alpha
    enabled: true
  exposeGossipAndRPCPorts: true
    secretName: license
    secretKey: key
  enabled: true
    defaultEnabled: false
    mirroringK8S: true
  enabled: true

Identify the LoadBalancer External IP of the partition-service

kubectl get svc consul-consul-partition-service -o json | jq -r '.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip'

Migrate the TLS CA credentials from the server cluster to the workload clusters

kubectl get secret consul-consul-ca-key --context "server-context" -o yaml | kubectl apply --context "workload-context" -f -
kubectl get secret consul-consul-ca-cert --context "server-context" -o yaml | kubectl apply --context "workload-context" -f -

Configure the workload cluster using the following config.

  enabled: false
  enableConsulNamespaces: true
  image: hashicorp/consul-enterprise:1.11.0-ent-alpha
    enabled: true
    name: "alpha" # Name of Admin Partition
    enabled: true
      secretName: consul-consul-ca-cert
      secretKey: tls.crt
      secretName: consul-consul-ca-key
      secretKey: tls.key
    secretName: license
    secretKey: key
  enabled: true
  hosts: [ "loadbalancer IP" ] # external IP of partition service LB
  tlsServerName: server.dc1.consul
  enabled: true
  exposeGossipPorts: true
  join: [ "loadbalancer IP" ] # external IP of partition service LB
  enabled: true
    mirroringK8S: true
  enabled: true

This should lead to the workload cluster having only Consul agents that connect with the Consul server. Services in this cluster behave like independent services. They can be configured to communicate with services in other partitions by configuring the upstream configuration on the individual services.

  • Control Plane
    • Add support for Admin Partitions. (Consul Enterprise only) ** ALPHA** [GH-729]
      • Add Partition-Init job that runs in Kubernetes clusters that do not have servers running to provision Admin Partitions.
      • Update endpoints-controller, config-entry controller and config entries to add partition config to them.


  • Helm Chart
    • Add ability to specify port for ui service. [GH-604]
    • Use policy/v1 for Consul server PodDisruptionBudget if supported. [GH-606]
    • Add readiness, liveness and startup probes to the connect inject deployment. [GH-626][GH-701]
    • Add support for setting container security contexts on client and server Pods. [GH-620]
    • Update Envoy image to 1.18.4 [GH-699]
    • Add configuration for webhook-cert-manager tolerations [GH-712]
    • Update default Consul version to 1.10.2 [GH-718]
  • Control Plane
    • Add health endpoint to the connect inject webhook that will be healthy when webhook certs are present and not empty. [GH-626]
    • Catalog Sync: Fix issue registering NodePort services with wrong IPs when a node has multiple IP addresses. [GH-619]
    • Allow registering the same service in multiple namespaces. [GH-697]


  • Helm Chart
    • Disable streaming on Consul clients because it is currently not supported when doing mesh gateway federation. If you wish to enable it, override the setting using client.extraConfig:

        extraConfig: |
          {"use_streaming_backend": true}


0.33.0 (August 12, 2021)


  • The consul-k8s repository has been merged with consul-helm and now contains the consul-k8s-control-plane binary (previously named consul-k8s) and the Helm chart to deploy Consul on Kubernetes. The docker image previously named hashicorp/consul-k8s has been renamed to hashicorp/consul-k8s-control-plane. The binary and Helm chart will be released together with the same version. NOTE: If you install Consul through the Helm chart and are not customizing the global.imageK8S value then this will not be a breaking change. [GH-589]
    • Helm chart v0.33.0+ will support the corresponding consul-k8s-control-plane image with the same version only. For example Helm chart 0.33.0 will only be supported to work with the default value global.imageK8S: hashicorp/consul-k8s-control-plane:0.33.0.
    • The control-plane binary has been renamed from consul-k8s to consul-k8s-control-plane and is now invoked as consul-k8s-control-plane in the Helm chart. The first version of this newly renamed binary will be 0.33.0.
    • The Go module has been named to
    • The Helm chart is located under consul-k8s/charts/consul.
    • The control-plane source code is located under consul-k8s/control-plane.
  • Minimum Kubernetes versions supported is 1.17+ and now matches what is stated in the file. [GH-1053]


  • Control Plane
    • Add flags -log-level, -log-json to all subcommands to control log level and json formatting. [GH-523]
    • Execute Consul clients and servers using the Docker entrypoint for consistency. [GH-590]
  • Helm Chart
    • Substitute HOST_IP/POD_IP/HOSTNAME variables in server.extraConfig and client.extraConfig so they are passed in to server/client config already evaluated at runtime. [GH-1042]
    • Set failurePolicy to Fail for connectInject mutating webhook so that pods fail to schedule when the webhook is offline. This can be controlled via connectInject.failurePolicy. [GH-1024]
    • Allow setting global.logLevel and global.logJSON and propogate this to all consul-k8s commands. [GH-980]
    • Allow setting connectInject.replicas to control number of replicas of webhook injector. [GH-1029]
    • Add the ability to manually specify a k8s secret containing server-cert via the value server.serverCert.secretName. [GH-1024]
    • Allow setting ui.pathType for providers that do not support the default pathType "Prefix". [GH-1012]
    • Allow setting client.nodeMeta to specify arbitrary key-value pairs to associate with the node. [GH-728]


  • Control Plane
    • Connect: Use AdmissionregistrationV1 instead of AdmissionregistrationV1beta1 API as it was deprecated in k8s 1.16. [GH-558]
    • Connect: Fix bug where environment variables <NAME>_CONNECT_SERVICE_HOST and <NAME>_CONNECT_SERVICE_PORT weren't being set when the upstream annotation was used. [GH-549]
    • Connect: Fix a bug with leaving around ACL tokens after a service has been deregistered. Note that this will not clean up existing leftover ACL tokens. [GH-540][GH-599]
    • CRDs: Fix ProxyDefaults and ServiceDefaults resources not syncing with Consul < 1.10.0 [GH-1023]
    • Connect: Skip service registration for duplicate services only on Kubernetes. [GH-581]
    • Connect: redirect-traffic command passes ACL token when ACLs are enabled. [GH-576]

0.26.0 (June 22, 2021)


  • Connect: Support Transparent Proxy. [GH-481] This feature enables users to use KubeDNS to reach other services within the Consul Service Mesh, as well as enforces the inbound and outbound traffic to go through the Envoy proxy.

    Using transparent proxy for your service mesh applications means:

    • Proxy service registrations will set mode to transparent in the proxy configuration so that Consul can configure the Envoy proxy to have an inbound and outbound listener.
    • Both proxy and service registrations will include the cluster IP and service port of the Kubernetes service as tagged addresses so that Consul can configure Envoy to route traffic based on that IP and port.
    • The consul-connect-inject-init container will run consul connect redirect-traffic command, which will apply rules (via iptables) to redirect inbound and outbound traffic to the proxy. To run this command the consul-connect-inject-init requires running as root with capability NET_ADMIN.

    This feature includes the following changes:

    • Add new -enable-transparent-proxy flag to the inject-connect command. When true, transparent proxy will be used for all services on the Consul Service Mesh within a Kubernetes cluster. This flag defaults to true.
    • Add new pod annotation to allow enabling and disabling transparent proxy for individual services.
  • CRDs: Add CRD for MeshConfigEntry. Supported in Consul 1.10+ [GH-513]

  • Connect: Overwrite Kubernetes HTTP readiness and/or liveness probes to point to Envoy proxy when transparent proxy is enabled. [GH-517]

  • Connect: Allow exclusion of inbound ports, outbound ports and CIDRs, and additional user IDs when Transparent Proxy is enabled. [GH-506]

    The following annotations are supported:

    • - Comma-separated list of inbound ports to exclude.
    • - Comma-separated list of outbound ports to exclude.
    • - Comma-separated list of IPs or CIDRs to exclude.
    • - Comma-separated list of Linux user IDs to exclude.
  • Connect: Add the ability to set default tproxy mode at namespace level via label. [GH-501]

    • Setting the annotation to true/false will define whether tproxy is enabled/disabled for the pod.
    • Setting the label to true/false on a namespace will define the default behavior for pods in that namespace, which do not also have the annotation set.
    • The default tproxy behavior will be defined by the value of -enable-transparent-proxy flag to the consul-k8s inject-connect command. It can be overridden in a namespace by the the label on the namespace or for a pod using the annotation on the pod.
  • Connect: support upgrades for services deployed before endpoints controller to upgrade to a version of consul-k8s with endpoints controller. [GH-509]

  • Connect: A new command consul-k8s connect-init has been added. It replaces the existing init-container logic for ACL login and Envoy bootstrapping and introduces a polling wait for service registration, see Endpoints Controller for more information. [GH-446], [GH-452], [GH-459]

  • Connect: A new controller Endpoints Controller has been added which is responsible for managing service endpoints and service registration. When a Kubernetes service references a deployed connect-injected pod, the endpoints controller will be responsible for managing the lifecycle of the connect-injected deployment. [GH-455], [GH-467], [GH-470], [GH-475]

    • This includes:
      • service registration and deregistration, formerly managed by the consul-connect-inject-init.
      • monitoring health checks, formerly managed by healthchecks-controller.
      • re-registering services in the events of consul agent failures, formerly managed by consul-sidecar.
    • The endpoints controller replaces the health checks controller while preserving existing functionality. [GH-472]
    • The endpoints controller replaces the cleanup controller while preserving existing functionality. [GH-476], [GH-454]
    • Merged metrics configuration support is now partially managed by the endpoints controller. [GH-469]


  • Connect: skip service registration when a service with the same name but in a different Kubernetes namespace is found and Consul namespaces are not enabled. [GH-527]
  • Connect: Leader election support for connect-inject deployment. [GH-479]
  • Connect: the consul-connect-inject-init container has been split into two init containers. [GH-441] Connect: Connect webhook no longer generates its own certificates and relies on them being provided as files on the disk. [GH-454]]
  • CRDs: Update ServiceDefaults with Mode, TransparentProxy, DialedDirectly and UpstreamConfigs fields. Note: Mode and TransparentProxy should not be set using this CRD but via annotations. [GH-502], [GH-485], [GH-533]
  • CRDs: Update ProxyDefaults with Mode, DialedDirectly and TransparentProxy fields. Note: Mode and TransparentProxy should not be set using the CRD but via annotations. [GH-505], [GH-485], [GH-533]
  • CRDs: update the CRD versions from v1beta1 to v1. [GH-464]
  • Delete secrets created by webhook-cert-manager when the deployment is deleted. [GH-530]


  • CRDs: Update the type of connectTimeout and TTL in ServiceResolver and ServiceRouter from time.Duration to metav1.Duration. This allows a user to set these values as a duration string on the resource. Existing resources that had set a specific integer duration will continue to function with a duration with 'n' nanoseconds, 'n' being the set value.
  • CRDs: Fix a bug where the config field in ProxyDefaults CR failed syncing to Consul because requires CRD spec to have structured schema. [GH-495]
  • CRDs: make lastSyncedTime a pointer to prevent setting last synced time Reconcile errors. [GH-466]


  • Connect: Add a security context to the init copy container and the envoy sidecar and ensure they do not run as root. If a pod container shares the same runAsUser (5995) as Envoy an error is returned. [GH-493]

  • Connect: Kubernetes Services are required for all Consul Service Mesh applications. The Kubernetes service name will be used as the service name to register with Consul unless the annotation is provided to the deployment/pod to override this. If using ACLs, the ServiceAccountName must match the service name used with Consul.

    Note: if you're already using a Kubernetes service, no changes required.

    Example Service:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: sample-app
        app: sample-app
        - port: 80
          targetPort: 9090
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
        app: sample-app
      name: sample-app
      replicas: 1
           app: sample-app
            '': 'true'
            app: sample-app
          - name: sample-app
            image: sample-app:0.1.0
            - containerPort: 9090
  • Connect: annotation is no longer supported. This annotation used to configure the sync period of the consul-sidecar (aka lifecycle-sidecar). Since we no longer inject the consul-sidecar to keep services registered in Consul, this annotation has been removed. [GH-467]

  • Connect: transparent proxy feature enabled by default. This may break existing deployments. Please see details of the feature.

0.26.0-beta3 (May 27, 2021)


  • Connect: Overwrite Kubernetes HTTP readiness and/or liveness probes to point to Envoy proxy when transparent proxy is enabled. [GH-517]
  • Connect: Don't set security context for the Envoy proxy when on OpenShift and transparent proxy is disabled. [GH-521]
  • Connect: consul-connect-inject-init run with privileged: true when transparent proxy is enabled. [GH-524]


  • Connect: Process every Address in an Endpoints object before returning an error. This ensures an address that isn't reconciled successfully doesn't prevent the remaining addresses from getting reconciled. [GH-519]

0.26.0-beta2 (May 06, 2021)


  • Connect: Add a security context to the init copy container and the envoy sidecar and ensure they do not run as root. If a pod container shares the same runAsUser (5995) as Envoy an error is returned on scheduling. [GH-493]


  • CRDs: Update ServiceDefaults with Mode, TransparentProxy and UpstreamConfigs fields. Note: Mode and TransparentProxy should not be set using this CRD but via annotations. [GH-502], [GH-485]

  • CRDs: Update ProxyDefaults with Mode and TransparentProxy fields. Note: Mode and TransparentProxy should not be set using the CRD but via annotations. [GH-505], [GH-485]

  • CRDs: Add CRD for MeshConfigEntry. Supported in Consul 1.10+ [GH-513]

  • Connect: No longer set multiple tagged addresses in Consul when k8s service has multiple ports and Transparent Proxy is enabled. [GH-511]

  • Connect: Allow exclusion of inbound ports, outbound ports and CIDRs, and additional user IDs when Transparent Proxy is enabled. [GH-506]

    The following annotations are supported:

    • - Comma-separated list of inbound ports to exclude.
    • - Comma-separated list of outbound ports to exclude.
    • - Comma-separated list of IPs or CIDRs to exclude.
    • - Comma-separated list of Linux user IDs to exclude.
  • Connect: Add the ability to set default tproxy mode at namespace level via label. [GH-501]

    • Setting the annotation to true/false will define whether tproxy is enabled/disabled for the pod.
    • Setting the label to true/false on a namespace will define the default behavior for pods in that namespace, which do not also have the annotation set.
    • The default tproxy behavior will be defined by the value of -enable-transparent-proxy flag to the consul-k8s inject-connect command. It can be overridden in a namespace by the the label on the namespace or for a pod using the annotation on the pod.
  • Connect: support upgrades for services deployed before endpoints controller to upgrade to a version of consul-k8s with endpoints controller. [GH-509]

  • Connect: add additional logging to the endpoints controller and connect-init command to help the user debug if pods arent starting right away. [GH-514]


  • Connect: Use runAsNonRoot: false for connect-init's container when tproxy is enabled. [GH-493]
  • CRDs: Fix a bug where the config field in ProxyDefaults CR was not synced to Consul because requires CRD spec to have structured schema. [GH-495]
  • Connect: Fix a bug where health status in Consul is updated incorrectly due to stale pod information in cache. [GH-503]

0.26.0-beta1 (April 16, 2021)


  • Connect: Kubernetes Services are now required for all Consul Service Mesh applications. The Kubernetes service name will be used as the service name to register with Consul unless the annotation is provided to the deployment/pod to override this. If using ACLs, the ServiceAccountName must match the service name used with Consul.

    Note: if you're already using a Kubernetes service, no changes are required.

    Example Service:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: sample-app
        app: sample-app
        - port: 80
          targetPort: 9090
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
        app: sample-app
      name: sample-app
      replicas: 1
           app: sample-app
            '': 'true'
            app: sample-app
          - name: sample-app
            image: sample-app:0.1.0
            - containerPort: 9090
  • Connect: annotation is no longer supported. This annotation was used to configure the sync period of the consul-sidecar (aka lifecycle-sidecar). Since we no longer inject the consul-sidecar to keep services registered in Consul, this annotation is now meaningless. [GH-467]

  • Connect: transparent proxy feature is enabled by default. This may break existing deployments. Please see details of the feature below.


  • Connect: Support Transparent Proxy. [GH-481] This feature enables users to use KubeDNS to reach other services within the Consul Service Mesh, as well as enforces the inbound and outbound traffic to go through the Envoy proxy. Using transparent proxy for your service mesh applications means:

    • Proxy service registrations will set mode to transparent in the proxy configuration so that Consul can configure the Envoy proxy to have an inbound and outbound listener.
    • Both proxy and service registrations will include the cluster IP and service port of the Kubernetes service as tagged addresses so that Consul can configure Envoy to route traffic based on that IP and port.
    • The consul-connect-inject-init container will run consul connect redirect-traffic command, which will apply rules (via iptables) to redirect inbound and outbound traffic to the proxy. To run this command the consul-connect-inject-init requires running as root with capability NET_ADMIN.

    Note: this feature is currently in beta.

    This feature includes the following changes:

    • Add new -enable-transparent-proxy flag to the inject-connect command. When true, transparent proxy will be used for all services on the Consul Service Mesh within a Kubernetes cluster. This flag defaults to true.
    • Add new pod annotation to allow enabling and disabling transparent proxy for individual services.


  • CRDs: update the CRD versions from v1beta1 to v1. [GH-464]
  • Connect: the consul-connect-inject-init container has been split into two init containers. [GH-441]
  • Connect: A new internal command consul-k8s connect-init has been added. It replaces the existing init container logic for ACL login and Envoy bootstrapping and introduces a polling wait for service registration, see Endpoints Controller for more information. [GH-446], [GH-452], [GH-459]
  • Connect: A new controller Endpoints Controller has been added which is responsible for managing service endpoints and service registration. When a Kubernetes service referencing a connect-injected pod is deployed, the endpoints controller will be responsible for managing the lifecycle of the connect-injected deployment. [GH-455], [GH-467], [GH-470], [GH-475]
    • This includes:

      • service registration and deregistration, formerly managed by the consul-connect-inject-init.
      • monitoring health checks, formerly managed by healthchecks-controller.
      • re-registering services in the events of consul agent failures, formerly managed by consul-sidecar.
    • The endpoints controller replaces the health checks controller while preserving existing functionality. [GH-472]

    • The endpoints controller replaces the cleanup controller while preserving existing functionality. [GH-476], [GH-454]

    • Merged metrics configuration support is now partially managed by the endpoints controller. [GH-469]

  • Connect: Leader election support for connect webhook and controller deployment. [GH-479]
  • Connect: Connect webhook no longer generates its own certificates and relies on them being provided as files on the disk. [GH-454]]
  • Connect: Connect pods and their Envoy sidecars no longer have a preStop hook as service deregistration is managed by the endpoints controller. [GH-467]


  • CRDs: make lastSyncedTime a pointer to prevent setting last synced time Reconcile errors. [GH-466]

0.25.0 (March 18, 2021)


  • Metrics: add metrics configuration to inject-connect and metrics-merging capability to consul-sidecar. When metrics and metrics merging are enabled, the consul-sidecar will expose an endpoint that merges the app and proxy metrics.

    The flags -merged-metrics-port, -service-metrics-port and -service-metrics-path can be used to configure the merged metrics server, and the application service metrics endpoint on the consul sidecar.

    The flags -default-enable-metrics, -default-enable-metrics-merging, -default-merged-metrics-port, -default-prometheus-scrape-port and -default-prometheus-scrape-path configure the inject-connect command.


  • CRDs: add field Last Synced Time to CRD status and add printer column on CRD to display time since when the resource was last successfully synced with Consul. [GH-448]


  • CRDs: fix incorrect validation for ServiceResolver. [GH-456]

0.24.0 (February 16, 2021)


  • Connect: the lifecycle-sidecar command has been renamed to consul-sidecar. [GH-428]

  • Connect: the consul-connect-lifecycle-sidecar container name has been changed to consul-sidecar and the consul-connect-envoy-sidecar container name has been changed to envoy-sidecar. [GH-428]

  • Connect: the -default-protocol and -enable-central-config flags are no longer supported. The annotation on Connect pods is also no longer supported. [GH-418]

    Current deployments that have the annotation should remove it, otherwise they will get an error if a pod from that deployment is rescheduled.

    Removing the annotation will not change their protocol since the config entry was already written to Consul. If you wish to change the protocol you must migrate the config entry to be managed by a ServiceDefaults resource. See Upgrade to CRDs for more information.

    To set the protocol for new services, you must use the ServiceDefaults resource, e.g.

    kind: ServiceDefaults
      name: my-service-name
      protocol: "http"
  • Connect: pods using an upstream that references a datacenter, e.g. service:8080:dc2 will error during injection if Consul does not have a proxy-defaults config entry with a mesh gateway mode set to local or remote. [GH-421]

    In practice, this would have already been causing issues since without that config setting, traffic wouldn't have been routed through mesh gateways and so would not be actually making it to the other service.


  • CRDs: support annotation on custom resources that will allow an existing config entry to be migrated onto a Kubernetes custom resource. [GH-419]
  • Connect: add new cleanup controller that runs in the connect-inject deployment. This controller cleans up Consul service instances that remain registered despite their pods being deleted. This could happen if the pod's preStop hook failed to execute for some reason. [GH-433]


  • CRDs: give a more descriptive error when a config entry already exists in Consul. [GH-420]
  • Set User-Agent: consul-k8s/<version> header on calls to Consul where <version> is the current version of consul-k8s. [GH-434]

0.23.0 (January 22, 2021)


  • CRDs: Fix issue where a ServiceIntentions resource could be continually resynced with Consul because Consul's internal representation had a different order for an array than the Kubernetes resource. [GH-416]
  • CRDs: (Consul Enterprise only) default the namespace fields on resources where Consul performs namespace defaulting to prevent constant re-syncing. [GH-413]


  • ACLs: give better error if policy that consul-k8s tries to update was created manually by user. [GH-412]


  • TLS: add tls-init command that is responsible for creating and updating Server TLS certificates. [GH-410]

0.22.0 (December 21, 2020)


  • Connect: on termination of a connect injected pod the lifecycle-sidecar sometimes re-registered the application resulting in stale service entries for applications which no longer existed. [GH-409]


  • Connect: the flags -envoy-image and -consul-image for command inject-connect are now required. [GH-405]


0.21.0 (November 25, 2020)


  • Connect: Add -log-level flag to inject-connect command. [GH-400]
  • Connect: Ensure consul-connect-lifecycle-sidecar container shuts down gracefully upon receiving SIGTERM. [GH-389]
  • Connect: (Consul Enterprise only) give more descriptive error message if using Consul namespaces with a Consul installation that doesn't support namespaces. [GH-399]

0.20.0 (November 12, 2020)


  • Connect: Support Kubernetes health probe synchronization with Consul for connect injected pods. [GH-363]
    • Adds a new controller to the connect-inject webhook which is responsible for synchronizing Kubernetes pod health checks with Consul service instance health checks. A Consul health check is registered for each connect-injected pod which mirrors the pod's Readiness status to Consul. This modifies connect routing to only pods which have passing Kubernetes health checks. See breaking changes for more information.
    • Adds a new label to connect-injected pods which mirrors the annotation.
    • (Consul Enterprise only) Adds a new annotation to connect-injected pods when namespaces are enabled: [GH-376]


  • Connect: With the addition of the connect-inject health checks controller any connect services which have failing Kubernetes readiness probes will no longer be routable through connect until their Kubernetes health probes are passing. Previously, if any connect services were failing their Kubernetes readiness checks they were still routable through connect. Users should verify that their connect services are passing Kubernetes readiness probes prior to using health checks synchronization.


  • create-inject-token in the server-acl-init command has been un-deprecated. -create-inject-auth-method has been deprecated and replaced by -create-inject-token.

    -create-inject-namespace-token in the server-acl-init command has been deprecated. Please use -create-inject-token and -enable-namespaces flags to achieve the same functionality. [GH-368]


  • Connect: support passing extra arguments to the envoy binary. [GH-378]

    Arguments can be passed in 2 ways:

    • via a flag to the consul-k8s inject-connect command, e.g. consul-k8s inject-connect -envoy-extra-args="--log-level debug --disable-hot-restart"
    • via pod annotations, e.g. "--log-level debug --disable-hot-restart"
  • CRDs:

    • Add Age column to CRDs. [GH-365]
    • Add validations and field descriptions for ServiceIntentions CRD. [GH-385]
    • Update CRD sync status if deletion in Consul fails. [GH-365]


  • Federation: (Consul Enterprise only) ensure replication ACL token can replicate policies and tokens in Consul namespaces other than default. [GH-364]
  • CRDs: (Consul Enterprise only) validate custom resources can only set namespace fields if Consul namespaces are enabled. [GH-375]
  • CRDs: Ensure ACL token is global so that secondary DCs can manage custom resources. Without this fix, controllers running in secondary datacenters would get ACL errors. [GH-369]
  • CRDs: (Consul Enterprise only) Do not attempt to create a * namespace when service intentions specify * as destination.namespace. [GH-382]
  • CRDs: (Consul Enterprise only) Fix namespace support for ServiceIntentions CRD. [GH-362]
  • CRDs: Rename field namespaces -> namespace in ServiceResolver CRD. [GH-365]

0.19.0 (October 12, 2020)



  • Connect: No longer set --max-obj-name-len flag when executing envoy. This flag was deprecated in Envoy 1.11.0 and had no effect from then onwards. With Envoy >= 1.15.0 setting this flag will result in an error, hence why we're removing it. [GH-350]

    If you are running any Envoy version >= 1.11.0 this change will have no effect. If you are running an Envoy version < 1.11.0 then you must upgrade Envoy to a newer version. This can be done by setting the global.imageEnvoy key in the Consul Helm chart.


  • Add an ability to configure the synthetic Consul node name where catalog sync registers services. [GH-312]
    • Sync: Add -consul-node-name flag to the sync-catalog command to configure the Consul node name for syncing services to Consul.
    • ACLs: Add -sync-consul-node-name flag to the server-acl-init command so that it can create correct policy for the sync catalog.


  • Connect: use the first secret of type when creating/updating auth method. [GH-350]

0.18.1 (August 10, 2020)


  • Connect: Reduce downtime caused by an alias health check of the sidecar proxy not being healthy for up to 1 minute when a Connect-enabled service is restarted. Note that this fix reverts the behavior of Consul Connect to the behavior it had before consul-k8s v0.16.0 and Consul v1.8.x, where Consul can route to potentially unhealthy instances of a service because we don't respect Kubernetes readiness/liveness checks yet. Please follow GH-155 for updates on that feature. [GH-305]

0.18.0 (July 30, 2020)


  • Connect: Add resource request and limit flags for the injected init and lifecycle sidecar containers. These flags replace the hardcoded values previously included. As part of this change, the default value for the lifecycle sidecar container memory limit has increased from 25Mi to 50Mi. [GH-298], [GH-300]


  • Connect: Respect allow/deny list flags when namespaces are disabled. [GH-296]

0.17.0 (July 09, 2020)


  • ACLs: Always update Kubernetes auth method created by the server-acl-init job. Previously, we would only update the auth method if Consul namespaces are enabled. With this change, we always update it to make sure that any configuration changes or updates to the connect-injector-authmethod-svc-account are propagated [GH-282].
  • Connect: Connect pods have had the following resource settings changed: consul-connect-inject-init now has its memory limit set to 150M up from 25M and consul-connect-lifecycle-sidecar has its CPU request and limit set to 20m up from 10m. [GH-291]


  • Extracted Consul's HTTP flags into our own package so we no longer depend on the internal Consul golang module. [GH-259]


  • Connect: Update resource settings to fix out of memory errors and CPU usage at 100% of limit. [GH-283, consul-helm GH-515]
  • Connect: Creating a pod with a different service account name than its Consul service name will now result in an error when ACLs are enabled. Previously this would not result in an error, but the pod would not be able to send or receive traffic because its ACL token would be for a different service name. [GH-237]

0.16.0 (June 17, 2020)


  • ACLs: server-acl-init now supports creating tokens for ingress and terminating gateways [GH-264].
    • Add -ingress-gateway-name flag that takes the name of an ingress gateway that needs an acl token. May be specified multiple times. [Enterprise Only] If using Consul namespaces and registering the gateway outside of the default namespace, specify the value in the form <GatewayName>.<ConsulNamespace>.
    • Add -terminating-gateway-name flag that takes the name of a terminating gateway that needs an acl token. May be specified multiple times. [Enterprise Only] If using Consul namespaces and registering the gateway outside of the default namespace, specify the value in the form <GatewayName>.<ConsulNamespace>.
  • Connect: Add support for configuring resource settings for memory and cpu limits/requests for sidecar proxies. [GH-267]


  • Gateways: service-address command will now return hostnames if that is the address of the Kubernetes LB. Previously it would resolve the hostname to 1 IP. The -resolve-hostnames flag was added to preserve the IP resolution behavior. [GH-271]


  • Sync: Add -sync-lb-services-endpoints flag to optionally sync load balancer endpoint IPs instead of load balancer ingress IP or hostname to Consul [GH-257].
  • Connect: Add pod name to the consul connect metadata for connect injected pods. [GH-231]


  • Connect:
    • Fix bug where preStop hook was malformed. This caused Consul ACL tokens to never be deleted for connect services. [GH-265]
    • Fix bug where environment variable for upstream was not populated when using a different datacenter resulted. [GH-246]
    • Fix bug where the Connect health-check was defined with a service name instead of a service ID. This check was passing in consul version before 1.8, but will now fail with versions 1.8 and higher. [GH-272]

0.15.0 (May 13, 2020)


  • The service-address command now resolves load balancer hostnames to the first IP. Previously it would use the hostname directly. This is a stop-gap measure because Consul currently only supports IP addresses for mesh gateways. [GH-260]


  • Add new create-federation-secret command that will create a Kubernetes secret containing data needed for secondary datacenters to federate. This command should be run only in the primary datacenter. [GH-253]

0.14.0 (April 23, 2020)


  • ACLs: Remove -expected-replicas, -release-name, and -server-label-selector flags in favor of the new required -server-address flag [GH-238].


  • ACLs: The server-acl-init command can now run against Consul servers running outside of k8s [GH-243]:
    • Add -bootstrap-token-file flag to provide your own bootstrap token. If set, the command will skip ACL bootstrapping.
    • -server-address flag can also take a cloud auto-join string to discover server addresses.
    • Add -inject-auth-method-host flag to allow configuring the location of the Kubernetes API server for the Kubernetes auth method. This is useful because during the login workflow Consul servers are talking to the Kubernetes API to verify the service account token. When Consul servers are external to the Kubernetes cluster, we no longer know the address of the Kubernetes API server that is accessible from the external Consul servers.


  • ACLs: Add -server-address and -server-port flags so that we don't need to discover server pod IPs and ports through the Kubernetes API [GH-238].


  • Connect: Fix upstream annotation parsing when multiple prepared queries are separated by spaces [GH-224]
  • ACLs: Fix bug with acl-init -token-sink-file where running the command twice would fail [GH-248]

0.13.0 (April 06, 2020)


  • ACLs: Support new flag server-acl-init -create-acl-replication-token that creates an ACL token with permissions to perform ACL replication. [GH-210]

  • ACLs: Support ACL replication from another datacenter. If -acl-replication-token-file is set, the server-acl-init command will skip ACL bootstrapping and instead will use the token in that file to create policies and tokens. This enables the server-acl-init command to be run in secondary datacenters. [GH-226]

  • ACLs: Support new flag acl-init -token-sink-file that will write the token to the specified file. [GH-232]

  • Commands: Add new command service-address that writes the address of the specified Kubernetes service to a file. If the service is of type LoadBalancer, the command will wait until the external address of the load balancer has been assigned. If the service is of type ClusterIP it will write the cluster IP. Services of type NodePort or ExternalName will result in an error. [GH-234 and GH-235]

    Example usage:

    consul-k8s service-address \
      -k8s-namespace=default \
      -name=consul-mesh-gateway \
  • Commands: Add new get-consul-client-ca command that retrieves Consul clients' CA when auto-encrypt is enabled and writes it to a file [GH-211].


  • ACLs: The following ACL tokens have been changed to local tokens rather than global tokens because they only need to be valid in their local datacenter: client, enterprise-license, snapshot-agent. In addition, if Consul Enterprise namespaces are not enabled, the catalog-sync token will be local. [GH-226]
  • ACLs: If running with -create-acl-replication-token=true and -create-inject-auth-method=true, the anonymous policy will be configured to allow read access to all nodes and services. This is required for cross-datacenter Consul Connect requests to work. [GH-230].
  • ACLs: The policy for the anonymous token has been renamed from dns-policy to anonymous-token-policy since it is used for more than DNS now (see above). [GH-230].


  • Sync: Fix a race condition where sync would delete services at initial startup [GH-208]


  • ACLs: The flag -init-type=sync for the command acl-init has been deprecated. Only the flag -init-type=client is supported. Previously, setting -init-type=sync had no effect so this is not a breaking change. [GH-232]
  • Connect: deprecate the -consul-ca-cert flag in favor of -ca-file [GH-217]

0.12.0 (February 21, 2020)


  • Connect Injector

    • Previously the injector would inject sidecars into pods in all namespaces. New flags -allow-k8s-namespace and -deny-k8s-namespace have been added. If no -allow-k8s-namespace flag is specified, the injector will not inject sidecars into pods in any namespace. To maintain the previous behavior, set -allow-k8s-namespace='*'.
  • Catalog Sync

    • kube-system and kube-public namespaces are now synced from unless -deny-k8s-namespace=kube-system -deny-k8s-namespace=kube-public are passed to the sync-catalog command.
    • Previously, multiple sync processes could be run in the same Kubernetes cluster with different source Kubernetes namespaces and the same -consul-k8s-tag. This is no longer possible. The sync processes will now delete one-another's registrations. To continue running multiple sync processes, each process must be passed a different -consul-k8s-tag flag.
    • Previously, catalog sync would delete services tagged with -consul-k8s-tag (defaults to k8s) that were registered out-of-band, i.e. not by the sync process itself. It would delete services regardless of which node they were registered on. Now the sync process will only delete those services not registered by itself if they are on the k8s-sync node (the synthetic node created by the catalog sync process).
  • Connect and Mesh Gateways: Consul 1.7+ now requires that we pass -envoy-version flag if using a version other than the default (1.13.0) so that it can generate correct bootstrap configuration. This is not yet supported in the Helm chart and consul-k8s, and as such, we require Envoy version 1.13.0.


  • Support Consul namespaces [Enterprise feature] in all consul-k8s components [GH-197]
  • Create allow and deny lists of k8s namespaces for catalog sync and Connect inject
  • Connect Inject
    • Changes default Consul Docker image (-consul-image) to consul:1.7.1
    • Changes default Envoy Docker image (-envoy-image) to envoyproxy/envoy-alpine:v1.13.0


  • Bootstrap ACLs: Allow users to update their Connect ACL binding rule definition on upgrade
  • Bootstrap ACLs: Fixes mesh gateway ACL policies to have the correct permissions
  • Sync: Fixes a hot loop bug when getting an error from Consul when retrieving service information [GH-204]


  • connect-inject flag -create-inject-token is deprecated in favor of new flag -create-inject-auth-method


  • Bootstrap ACLs: Previously, ACL policies were not updated after creation. Now, if namespaces are enabled, they are updated every time the ACL bootstrapper is run so that any namespace config changes can be adjusted. This change is only an issue if you are updating ACL policies after creation.

  • Connect: Adds additional parsing of the upstream annotation to support namespaces. The format of the annotation becomes:


    The service_name.namespace is only parsed if namespaces are enabled. If they are not enabled and someone has added a .namespace, the upstream will not work correctly, as is the case when someone has put in an incorrect service name, port or datacenter. If namespaces are enabled and the .namespace is not defined, Consul will automatically fallback to assuming the service is in the same namespace as the service defining the upstream.

0.11.0 (January 10, 2020)


  • Connect: Add TLS support [GH-181].
  • Bootstrap ACLs: Add TLS support [GH-183].


  • Build: Our darwin releases for this version and up will be signed and notarized according to Apple's requirements. Prior to this release, MacOS 10.15+ users attempting to run our software may see the error: "'consul-k8s' cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified." This error affected all MacOS 10.15+ users who downloaded our software directly via web browsers, and was caused by changes to Apple's third-party software requirements.

    MacOS 10.15+ users should plan to upgrade to 0.11.0+.

  • Build: ARM release binaries: Starting with 0.11.0, consul-k8s will ship three separate versions of ARM builds. The previous ARM binaries of Consul could potentially crash due to the way the Go runtime manages internal pointers to its Go routine management constructs and how it keeps track of them especially during signal handling (golang/go#32912). From 0.11.0 forward, it is recommended to use:

    consul-k8s_{version} for all 32-bit armel systems consul-k8s_{version} for all armhf systems with v6+ architecture consul-k8s_{version} for all v8 64-bit architectures

  • Build: The freebsd_arm variant has been removed.

0.10.1 (December 17, 2019)

Bug Fixes:

  • Connect: Fix bug where the new lifecycle sidecar didn't have permissions to read the ACL token file. [GH-182]

0.10.0 (December 17, 2019)

Bug Fixes:

  • Connect: Fix critical bug where Connect-registered services instances would be deregistered when the Consul client on the same node was restarted. This fix adds a new sidecar that ensures the service instance is always registered. [GH-161]

  • Connect: Fix bug where UI links between sidecar and service didn't work because the wrong service ID was being used. [GH-163]

  • Bootstrap ACLs: Support bootstrapACLs for users setting the nameOverride config. [GH-165]

0.9.5 (December 5, 2019)

Bug Fixes:

  • Sync: Add Kubernetes namespace as a suffix to the service names via -add-k8s-namespace-suffix flag. This prevents service name collisions in Consul when there are two services with the same name in different namespaces in Kubernetes [GH-139]

  • Connect: Only write a service-defaults config during Connect injection if the protocol is set explicitly [GH-169]

0.9.4 (October 28, 2019)

Bug Fixes:

  • Sync: Now changing the annotation to false or deleting the annotation will un-sync the service. [GH-76]

  • Sync: Rewrite Consul services to lowercase so they're valid Kubernetes services. [GH-110]

0.9.3 (October 15, 2019)

Bug Fixes:

  • Add new delete-completed-job command that is used to delete the server-acl-init Kubernetes Job once it's completed. [GH-152]

  • Fixes a bug where even if the ACL Tokens for the other components existed (e.g. client or sync-catalog) we'd try to generate new tokens and update the secrets. [GH-152]

0.9.2 (October 4, 2019)


  • Allow users to set annotations on their Kubernetes services that get synced into Consul meta when using the Connect Inject functionality. To use, set one or more<key>: <value> annotations which will result in Consul meta <key>: <value> [GH-141]

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix bug during connect-inject where the -default-protocol flag was being ignored [GH-141]

  • Fix bug during connect-inject where service-tag annotations were being ignored [GH-141]

  • Fix bug during server-acl-init where if any step errored then the command would exit and subsequent commands would fail. Now this command runs until completion, i.e. it retries failed steps indefinitely and is idempotent [GH-138]


  • The annotation is deprecated. Use instead.

0.9.1 (September 18, 2019)


  • Allow users to set tags on their Kubernetes services that get synced into Consul service tags via the annotation [GH-115]

Bug fixes:

  • Fix bootstrap acl issue when Consul was installed into a namespace other than default [GH-106]
  • Fix sync bug where ClusterIP services had their Service port instead of their Endpoint port registered. If the Service's targetPort was different then port then the wrong port would be registered [GH-132]

0.9.0 (July 8, 2019)


  • Allow creation of ACL token for Snapshot Agents
  • Allow creation of ACL token for Mesh Gateways
  • Allows client ACL token creation to be optional

0.8.1 (May 9, 2019)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix central configuration write command to handle the case where the service already exists

0.8.0 (May 8, 2019)


  • Use the endpoint IP address when generating a service id for NodePort services to prevent possible overlap of what are supposed to be unique ids
  • Support adding a prefix for Kubernetes -> Consul service sync [GH 140]
  • Support automatic bootstrapping of ACLs in a Consul cluster that is run fully in Kubernetes.
  • Support automatic registration of a Kubernetes AuthMethod for use with Connect (available in Consul 1.5+).
  • Support central configuration for services, including proxy defaults (available in Consul 1.5+).

Bug fixes:

  • Exclude Kubernetes system namespaces from Connect injection

0.7.0 (March 21, 2019)


  • Use service's namespace when registering endpoints
  • Update the Coalesce method to pass go vet tests
  • Register Connect services along with the proxy. This allows the services to appear in the intention dropdown in the UI.[GH 77]
  • Add -log-level CLI flag for catalog sync

0.6.0 (February 22, 2019)


  • Add support for prepared queries in the Connect upstream annotation
  • Add a health endpoint to the catalog sync process that can be used for Kubernetes health and readiness checks

0.5.0 (February 8, 2019)


  • Clarify the format of the consul-write-interval flag for consul-k8s [GH 61]
  • Add datacenter support to inject annotation
  • Update connect injector logging to remove healthcheck log spam and make important messages more visible

Bug fixes:

  • Fix service registration naming when using Connect [GH 36]
  • Fix catalog sync so that agents don't incorrectly deregister Kubernetes services [GH 40][GH 59]
  • Fix performance issue for the k8s -> Consul catalog sync [GH 60]

0.4.0 (January 11, 2019)


  • Supports a configurable tag for the k8s -> Consul sync [GH 42]

Bug fixes:

  • Register NodePort services with the node's ip address [GH 8]
  • Add the metadata/annotations field if needed before patching annotations [GH 20]

0.3.0 (December 7, 2018)


  • Support syncing ClusterIP services [GH 4]

Bug fixes:

  • Allow unnamed container ports to be used in connect-inject default annotations.

0.2.1 (October 26, 2018)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix single direction catalog sync [GH 7]

0.2.0 (October 10, 2018)


  • New subcommand: inject-connect runs a mutating admission webhook for automatic Connect sidecar injection in Kubernetes. While this can be setup manually, we recommend using the Consul helm chart.

0.1.0 (September 26, 2018)

  • Initial release